Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Well the time has finally come. Today at 4pm I will be in edina realty. I am going to put a bid on my first house! A 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 car garage, full basement, 1 1/2 story place in a quaint lil northern Wisconsin town. Its listed at $79,900 but I am going to go for $72,500. This is the largest step I have taken since marriage and kids! But it will be OURS! I am excited as hell and terrified all at the same time. It will prolly take about 6 weeks to finalize once the bid is accepted. But we will be living in it before Christmas! We are all happy with it. My wife loves it, and I love the fact I can go back to my staff making in a shop of my own! I will drop more info as time goes on.

Monday, July 25, 2005


well on the day before my birthday (wed) i get a call from my lawyer's office. Seems the secretary misunderstood the lawyers instructions. Seems i had to come down in a rush to sign the papers. the paperwork is done now. and the papers have now been sent to my ex. the termination of parental rights, and the adoption papers. (seems that in wisc, you have to have the birth mothers signature on this before my wife now can adopt my daughter.) makes no sense to me. she is signing off her rights as a parent. why should it require her signature formy wife to adopt? well, as long as she does not quarm abot the paperwork and just signs it and sends it in, it will be filed, and after 60 days of waiting. the court date will be set and everything will be done.

On the other side of things, my daughter seems to be doing well. she misses her mom, but she seems to understand how things must be. I had a fun 4-day weekend. my birthday was fun, and i got a lot done i needed to do before this abyss of an office sucks my life away for another two months. we got a job order to place 100 people right away, and the people pool is almost empty. so this will be a chore. well i gots to get my but back to work. thanks for the happy b-days and words of encouragement.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

me in south park

Kinda fun. makes you wonder what you would look like. try for yourself!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Well, this Thursday I turn 30. And I am going to take thur/fri off so that I may go hide in a corner from the big 3-0. I find it hard to believe I am 30 already. My daughter turned 7 on June 4th. It seems like its only been a few months since I held her like a infant. Time seems to be getting faster and faster, the older I get. It really sucks knowing the average death age of most overweight males is 65. My life is half over! It pains me to know my daughter is almost halfway to asking for my car keys, halfway to dating, halfway to leaving me behind and forging her own life. I want her to be my lil girl for the rest of my life. But sadly, I know this is not to be. Cherish the time given us today, for we are not promised tomorrow. It may be a few days before I get my next post in. Thank you all for joining in my life, and helping me as you have. I will see you all next week.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Sorry about the late post!! *this one is so Rachael doesn't magic me!*

Well i know its been a while. i am sorry. things have gotten hectic here at work and i have not really had time to come in. Not a lot has changed in the daughter dept. so far the lawyer called, and the paperwork has been sent to both parties to be reviewed befor signing. so i am waiting on that. then it will be finalized, and signed. then i have another meeting with the lawyer on the final details. he told me in the begining that it could take a while (3-6 months) but this feels like an eternity. he told me that once my papers are signed, there is a 60 day layover in the filing. i guess it takes a while for it to be finalized. i have not heard from my ex in a while *this is a good thing*. Things are ok i guess. my daughter is still a lil torn, but she seems to be making it ok. time heals all wounds. and i hate to see her cry over this. but i know this is the right thing to do. besides how could i want to see my daughter go back to a woman that doesn't even want her. It's kinda sad really. she never even thought to say good bye to her daughter!i feel so upset that she could do that to this beautiful lil girl. well, i need to get back to work. sorry for the delay all. and Rachael.. no magic.. no magic.!

Friday, July 08, 2005


Dang.. My ex wife calls me yesterday, and DEMANDS that I get her the papers to sign off on her daughter. I swear.. This just proves what I have known all along, she never cared. She has yet to say she misses her child, she has yet to ask to say good bye she has yet to do anything but bitch that she is still paying child support. Its kinda heart breaking when you think about it. That a mother could be that careless. At least I know my daughter is safe. I wish my lawyer would hurry this up. I really will enjoy never having to talk to that ex of mine again.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

No news is good news?

Well its been a week. I have yet to hear anything from my lawyer. I was told this could take a while, but I thought it would go faster then this. I want this over. I want to get my lil girl through this and finalize my ex wife signing over her parental rights. I want my wife now to adopt my daughter and we will live happily ever after right? I mean that's the way it should be. My ex wife never really cared in the first place, and I know my daughter will be in much better hands with my wife now. She has been with my daughter since my daughter turned 1 1/2. My wife is more like her mother already then my ex ever was. I just want it all over, the suspense of this is driving me nuts. I am waiting for my $175/her to pay off here.maybe I am just to high strung right now. I just don't know. I just know I am happy that I never have to send her to my ex again. No more worrying about what is going to happen to my baby next.

Friday, July 01, 2005

America and the 4th..

A friend of mine over at another blog has a post up right now that absolutly rocks! you can view the video here: you gotta check this out for the patriots in all of us :)