Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Well, this Thursday I turn 30. And I am going to take thur/fri off so that I may go hide in a corner from the big 3-0. I find it hard to believe I am 30 already. My daughter turned 7 on June 4th. It seems like its only been a few months since I held her like a infant. Time seems to be getting faster and faster, the older I get. It really sucks knowing the average death age of most overweight males is 65. My life is half over! It pains me to know my daughter is almost halfway to asking for my car keys, halfway to dating, halfway to leaving me behind and forging her own life. I want her to be my lil girl for the rest of my life. But sadly, I know this is not to be. Cherish the time given us today, for we are not promised tomorrow. It may be a few days before I get my next post in. Thank you all for joining in my life, and helping me as you have. I will see you all next week.

5 These people wished to share:

Anonymous Anonymous Wished to share...


2:38 PM  
Blogger Vixen Wished to share...

Happy Birthday! And the 30's is the best decade so far!!! You'll love it! :)

2:45 PM  
Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today Wished to share...

Happy Birthday! (and don't worry, girls grow into women, but they tend to remain lil girls to their daddies, and we like it that way!

5:55 PM  
Blogger Spending Wished to share...


7:39 AM  
Blogger Niccio Dartsmouth Wished to share...

thanks all :)

7:49 AM  

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