Friday, July 08, 2005


Dang.. My ex wife calls me yesterday, and DEMANDS that I get her the papers to sign off on her daughter. I swear.. This just proves what I have known all along, she never cared. She has yet to say she misses her child, she has yet to ask to say good bye she has yet to do anything but bitch that she is still paying child support. Its kinda heart breaking when you think about it. That a mother could be that careless. At least I know my daughter is safe. I wish my lawyer would hurry this up. I really will enjoy never having to talk to that ex of mine again.

13 These people wished to share:

Blogger Niccio Dartsmouth Wished to share...

it makes me feel slightly guilty for giving my daughter a mother like this. i feel like it is my fault somehow, that i am responsible, and that my daughter may never forgive me for it.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Niccio Dartsmouth Wished to share...

i wish no one to burn in hell, nor do i wish harm upon my ex. i just... its hard to explain. i fear for the time my daughter is old enough to come to me and ask what happened with my mother.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Niccio Dartsmouth Wished to share...

Spex.. i linked your blog :) feel free to do the same if you wish. thanks for the words of encouragement.

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous Wished to share...

honey time heals/tells time your daughter will make the decision herself whether or not she can forgive and forget what damage her mother has caused..but there's nothing you do in that situation...just continue to be a good father... *muah*

12:06 PM  
Blogger Jillian Wished to share...

Yes it is heart breaking. I have been through the same thing with my son. Keep your spirts up!!!

6:10 PM  
Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today Wished to share...

AS a mother of three who CONSTANTLY finds her children frustrating... I'm appalled that any parent, especially a mother, can turn her back on her child, and focus on legalities. Frankly it sickens me.

But no guilt to to niccio... you can't always predict who someone will become... and it sounds like you were blind-sighted. What's important is that you're doing the best for your daughter RIGHT NOW.

I can't wish hell upon her mother... although I do feel that inclination... I'm sure she is doing her best in her own way too... it just sucks for your daughter that Mommy's Best is focused on eliminating support payments.

AS I typed "Mommy's Best" I thought of Milwaukee's Best, which seems appropriate... your ex sounds like cheap that no one drinks unless they can't do any better.

Focus on the future... I hope all this shit is behind you real soon.

3:55 AM  
Blogger Niccio Dartsmouth Wished to share...

Thanks.. its just hard, i tell crystal that this is my fault, that i am thinking of her safety, i just do not have the heart to tell a 7y/o that her mother just really doesn't want her.

8:10 AM  
Blogger Spending Wished to share...

It's awful that a women could just turn her back on her child. I hope you have an easier time with your wife adopting your daughter. She is what your daughter needs in her life and not the birth mother. Hang in there...

8:40 AM  
Blogger Niccio Dartsmouth Wished to share...

Thanks OC :)

10:37 AM  
Blogger Kerri Keberly Wished to share...

don't feel guilty. you sound like you actually love your daughter...versus seeing her as a financial burden like your ex seems to...

6:22 PM  
Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today Wished to share...

It has been eight days - you better start posting... considered yourself warned!

I have magical powers - FEAR ME!

6:22 PM  
Blogger Jillian Wished to share...

Hey if you get a chance today head over to Rustys blog. He heads to court today for his custody hearing and could use all the encouragement he can get!!!! Thanks

8:10 AM  
Blogger Niccio Dartsmouth Wished to share...

okokok allready.. its been busy here at work! i'll post, i'll post!!

8:19 AM  

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