Wednesday, October 26, 2005

29.99% interest.

Ok, this is the post that will tell credit card users to WATCH THE FUCK OUT! i used to have a Capitol 1 card. $200 and 19.99% interest. Not much to speak of but the only problem was their people were pricks. So i picked up a Providian card, $2000, 12.99% for the first 6 months going to 19.99% fixed. Well at least thats what i thought. For the past year and a half, my wife and i have been paying $120-150/month on a $68/month payment to get ourselves back out. Turns out we are actually falling BEHIND! so after finally realizing the pattern *i must be a fool for not looking sooner* i called in after looking at my online account. So this chick starts telling me that i am not paying on the princaple. So i flip out saying we are sending twice as much per month then you ask for what do you mean? She returns your intrest rate is above that. *enter dead silence drop jaw sound here* well what is my interest rate at? 29.99%. WTF!?!? i signed on at a 19.99% fixed rate, why did you jack me? i am sorry sir, our computer says that you are on a variable rate not a fixed. i told her I AM ON A 19.99% fixed! no sir you are not, you are on a variable, and our computers are never wrong!. *enter a long line of explisitives here* I finally told her that i will be closing out my account soon, and i will inform everyone in my area of the shit your pulling. and she says, sir is there any way i can help? and i scream sure raise my rates another 10% no thanks get lost, your service sucks and i have no wish to ever do business with you again. and then i hung up. I am getting a new card, better limit, better rewards through my bank *personal friends with our bank rep, so i will be doing MUCH better, wish i had done this in the begining* and do a balance transfer to the new card *prolly at 16.99%*

Moral of the story:


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The slow down period.


My company always slows down in the fall, and this year like any other, has started its downward decent. As my payroll billing drops, so does my pay. Is just the type of business i am in. (Temp staffing) I am a Manager of Staffing. Its no supprise, but it sucks when you just buy a hpose and need the extra cash flow. X-mas is gonna be dismal. i hope my family understands our $10-15 gifts for everyone. Its kinda nerve wracking. Oh well, nothing to do about it till spring.

X360 comes out in nov 22, and i am hopeing i have enough saved for it by then. if not, it will have to wait till tax season before i buy it. Oblivion is looking strong (see my other blog (Oblivions Calling) for a lil more detail on it. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Damn i hate being sick, i hate it. its nuts, you can barely keep your eyes open in the morning, your head hurts all day and you feel like your face got stepped on by someone with kleats. I wanted to stay home again (stayed hope yesterday) but i had an important business meeting to attend.( wonder if i'll see a bonus for this). My other blog is up an running (i do not expect all of you over there seeing as though its primarily about gaming, but it would be cool if you dropped by.) but no comments yet, who knows maybe i will just dump it after a month if i do not start gaining an audiance. Have yet to sit down and start to write my book (procrastination sucks) its just one of those lulls in life i guess. I am thankful for you all that are still comming and i will try to get in here as much as possible to keep you all abreast on whats going on with me and my life.

Try to get in in the begining of next week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oblivions Calling

Oblivions Calling

My new game site, feel free to roam around and comment where you see fit, as well as bring up any other game related topics you might have.

Monday, October 10, 2005

A Blog apart.

I am planning to create another blog aside from this, based solely on games and honoring them. Chief amoung them, Oblivion (elder scrolls 4) I have been wanting to make a blog dedicated to the gaming industry, and i think i will give it a try. I will drop hints and the final site once i get everything together.

Otherwise, nothing of any real interest has been happening. Getting preped for nov 22 and the realease of xbox 360 and Oblivion, and dieing to get myself into that world. Things are about to change in the gaming industry. Things as we know it, will astound and amaze once again.

Sorry for the lack of thought or time.. busy here at work and just here to make sure you all know i am still alive and kicken.