Friday, August 26, 2005
I installed a map that you all can go into and put a tack about where you live and a message. puts it out. kinda cool. take a look into it and put your tack there. be kinda neat to see where everyone is :) i am finding all sorts of fun things to add to my blog. if only i could find blog games that could be played while you look at myblog.. it would be cool! Oh well, on to bigger and better things. Feel free to use it like a lil free advertising for your blog! Later all.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
THE LOAN WENT THROUGH!!!! i close on my house on Aug 31!!! the home of my dreams is finally mine! so far this is the first of the things i want most. A home of our own, full custody of my daughter, and to start a new life. I see the person who does the investigation on my wife to find if she is worthy of being an adoptive mother on this comming monday. and then the court date is on the 26th of Sept. and then that will be done. once that is over, we begin our new lives together.
Thank you all for your words of support and encouragment. It really is a blessing to have friends like you all. And thank you for comming to my blog. I will continue to keep you all updated as this stuff keeps up.
Thank you all for your words of support and encouragment. It really is a blessing to have friends like you all. And thank you for comming to my blog. I will continue to keep you all updated as this stuff keeps up.
Monday, August 22, 2005
A lil about me.
Blatantly stolen from
Heres a better look into the mind of the Old Sage.
1. Middle name? I would rather not answer this, i do not want to be searched, i have a uniqe name.
2. What would you change your name to if you could? Niccio, its what my friends call me.
3. Which parent, as an adult, do you like better? My mother, without a doubt.
4. When is your birthday? July 21
5. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I would, i am really down to earth.
6. What are your nicknames? Niccio, Valtrist, Valden, Tristine
7. What is your favorite thing about yourself? My sense of humor.
8. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My know-it-all attitude.
9. What was the last wish you made? That i would get full custody of my daughter (my
daughter is from my ex-wife) and my home loan would be accepted, thus letting us
start a new life.
10. Did it come true? Working on it.
11. How old were you when you lost your virginity? 16
12. What was his/her full name? Jenny XXXXXXXX
13. What is your favorite movie? Kung Fu Hustle
14. What is your favorite book? Elminster : Making of a mage
15. What is your favorite band now? D12
16. Who is your favorite musician? Eminem
17. Your favorite song? Eminem's The way that i am
18. Favorite television show? South Park
19. Who did you last talk to on the phone? My wife
20. Last person you talked to online? My wife
21. What is your favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? Boobs, plain and simple.
22. Your favorite personality trait of the opposite sex? Sense of humor
23. What is your biggest pet peeve? People talking about shit they have no clue on.
24. Do you have a special talent? I can memorize a song in two plays of it.
25. What is your favorite smell? Lasagna baking
26. What is your favorite sound? My daughters laugh
27. If you had to live without one,which one would you choose to not live without, hugs or kisses? Hugs.. gotta have hugs.
28. What is your favorite season of the year? Fall
29. Your favorite sport to play? Video games, its a sport, believe you me.
30. What is the furthest you have been from your home? Texas.
31. Favorite vacation spot? I would have to say my den believe it or not.
32. If you could wish for one thing knowing it would come true, what would it be? a peacefull life.
33. What is your favorite holiday? X-mas
34. What color and style is your favorite underwear? Boxers, plain and simple.
35. Would you ever bungee jump or BASE jump? They don't make anything that could contain a pissed offf 275 fat man.
36. What is your favorite subject to daydream of? My new home and a new life with my family.
37. When did you last cry? Today, i have a major pulled muscle in my back.
38. Who was your first crush? Kari XXXX
39. Do you like your job? Its a pain in the ever loven ass. so Yeah i do :)
40. What is your dream job? Video Game Tester
41. Favorite thing to shop for? Games
42. Favorite food? Mexican or Italian or Chinese
43. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Mountain Dew
44. Favorite alcoholic drink? Tequilla
45. What is your most expensive material possession? My Halo special edition X-box with $100 in lighting kits to make it glow.
46. What is your most precious material possession? My wedding ring tattoo
47. Your favorite car that you owned? 1995 Monte Carlo LS w/street racing kit.
48. Your best friend? My mother and my wife and daughter
49. Your friend that lives farthest from you? Lucas
50. Who is the person, not in your life anymore, you miss the most? My grandpa.
Heres a better look into the mind of the Old Sage.
1. Middle name? I would rather not answer this, i do not want to be searched, i have a uniqe name.
2. What would you change your name to if you could? Niccio, its what my friends call me.
3. Which parent, as an adult, do you like better? My mother, without a doubt.
4. When is your birthday? July 21
5. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I would, i am really down to earth.
6. What are your nicknames? Niccio, Valtrist, Valden, Tristine
7. What is your favorite thing about yourself? My sense of humor.
8. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My know-it-all attitude.
9. What was the last wish you made? That i would get full custody of my daughter (my
daughter is from my ex-wife) and my home loan would be accepted, thus letting us
start a new life.
10. Did it come true? Working on it.
11. How old were you when you lost your virginity? 16
12. What was his/her full name? Jenny XXXXXXXX
13. What is your favorite movie? Kung Fu Hustle
14. What is your favorite book? Elminster : Making of a mage
15. What is your favorite band now? D12
16. Who is your favorite musician? Eminem
17. Your favorite song? Eminem's The way that i am
18. Favorite television show? South Park
19. Who did you last talk to on the phone? My wife
20. Last person you talked to online? My wife
21. What is your favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? Boobs, plain and simple.
22. Your favorite personality trait of the opposite sex? Sense of humor
23. What is your biggest pet peeve? People talking about shit they have no clue on.
24. Do you have a special talent? I can memorize a song in two plays of it.
25. What is your favorite smell? Lasagna baking
26. What is your favorite sound? My daughters laugh
27. If you had to live without one,which one would you choose to not live without, hugs or kisses? Hugs.. gotta have hugs.
28. What is your favorite season of the year? Fall
29. Your favorite sport to play? Video games, its a sport, believe you me.
30. What is the furthest you have been from your home? Texas.
31. Favorite vacation spot? I would have to say my den believe it or not.
32. If you could wish for one thing knowing it would come true, what would it be? a peacefull life.
33. What is your favorite holiday? X-mas
34. What color and style is your favorite underwear? Boxers, plain and simple.
35. Would you ever bungee jump or BASE jump? They don't make anything that could contain a pissed offf 275 fat man.
36. What is your favorite subject to daydream of? My new home and a new life with my family.
37. When did you last cry? Today, i have a major pulled muscle in my back.
38. Who was your first crush? Kari XXXX
39. Do you like your job? Its a pain in the ever loven ass. so Yeah i do :)
40. What is your dream job? Video Game Tester
41. Favorite thing to shop for? Games
42. Favorite food? Mexican or Italian or Chinese
43. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Mountain Dew
44. Favorite alcoholic drink? Tequilla
45. What is your most expensive material possession? My Halo special edition X-box with $100 in lighting kits to make it glow.
46. What is your most precious material possession? My wedding ring tattoo
47. Your favorite car that you owned? 1995 Monte Carlo LS w/street racing kit.
48. Your best friend? My mother and my wife and daughter
49. Your friend that lives farthest from you? Lucas
50. Who is the person, not in your life anymore, you miss the most? My grandpa.
Well today is supposed to be the day if I find out whether or not the loan went through. So I am hoping all is well. I was called last Friday by the bank and was told it went to the adjusters, and so far, there is no problem. I am going crazy waiting for this to go through. I am on pins and needles here. This is like one of the most exciting things I have ever done in my life. I got the meeting for the lady that is going to come out and do the adoption interview with my wife. They will be seeing if she is worthy of being a adoptive step mother. So as far as things look. We are running on schedule. Lets just hope it all works.
Monday, August 15, 2005
More waiting.
Well I was called by my loan officer, and was told that the appraiser was in, and he was writing the results this past weekend. And we should know the results Wednesday, and we should know the result of the loan this coming Friday. I am going completely beserk here. I so want my home that I cannot sleep at night. I cannot wait, its awesome, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas knowing he is getting his dream come true. That and knowing the debate with my ex will finally be coming to a close. The company going to be interviewing my wife has yet to call, but I am hoping it will be soon. This all is like being handcuffed to a pole and having the key pushed just out of reach. Oh well, I hope to have more info later this week. I will keep you all informed.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I really am trying to do my best to keep up with everyone's blogs and keep posts updated, but with everything going on its becoming hard. I am sorry if my blog is becoming boring or not worth checking into. But my work and with the home situation and custody situation, my time is just becoming very rare. Thank you for all of you who continue to come in and view my posts, and for those loosing interest, I hope to get more time in in the future. Thank you all for your wonderful words of wisdom and encouragement. It really does help me in my time of need and wanting of friends. Know you are all my friends and that I am glad to have you, as well as offer my opinions and inspiration. I will be updating and trying to keep up on all your news, and if you should like to do a link exchange, feel free to let me know, i would be happy to make you part of my blog! Thanks again!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Waiting Games.
Well, I heard that all I have left to wait on for my house is the loan which we will know on the 12th. The loan officer says that there is nothing to worry about, and that I should be happy to be a future home owner. I also have word from my lawyer that the courts have sent the papers back, they are setting the date on the forfeit of parental rights as well as the adoption all in one. My lawyer is contacting the firm that comes out to do the investigation on whether my wife is eligible to adopt my daughter or not. Everything seems to be coming together. I just hope it all goes through soon.
Monday, August 01, 2005
I wanna buy me a condo... Already have a cuissenart.
Well we agreed on a bid and I put my earnest money down. $78,900. Not bad, be around $660/month. I am still secondary on the list. Some other guy put his earnest money down, and went and bought another place, and never signed off on this one. They are currently hunting the guy down to sign off, then I will be primary bidder, and the house will be mine.( as long as the loan goes through.) which I see no foreseeable problems. This could be the best thing to happen to me since marriage and children. Its on the better side of town, and is perfect condition. I drop the loan app off at the loan officer's place today.
Man I hope this goes through. This could mean that the termination of parental rights with my ex wife and the move to my new home will all be around the same time. The courts will bring us all in (other then my daughter) to take care of it all at once. First they will terminate the parental rights, then they will state that Amanda is now adopting my daughter and it will all be finalized and done with. We will be moving to our OWN home, and starting a NEW life. My daughter will even be given and entire floor (two rooms) to herself. Her bedroom and a play room. Everything seems to be just falling into place. This almost has the feel that this all was meant to happen.
I mean look at the facts. Three months ago, a man comes in, and put his bid and earnest money on a house, the renegs and this holds the house for us. All there paperwork is falling in together, I was missing my wife's 401k info, and when I tried to get it online I couldn't. Only to come home that same day and the quarterly report was in my mail. The loan officer asks for my past 5 check stubs (which we destroy weekly) and it turns out that we can get wage and earning forms from our places of work to accomplish the same thing. The couple that owned the house was not going to change the price from $79,900, yet when they found out it was my family, they dropped it $1000 anyways. I was worried about affording the house during the slump of the winter (am a staffing manager, and my bonus is determined on how many people we have working) and we get a job order in for 100 people. We needed about $150 dollars to finish the payment for the inspector and what have you, and we had a garage sale that pulled in $159 this past weekend.
I firmly believe the good Lord is looking out for us. There is just no other explanation. My wife and I cannot have children (her tubes have collapsed, and it would cost $15,000 to fix it and there is not even a 80% chance that it would work either.) so instead, I have a daughter and my ex-wife signs off on her rights, making my wife her official mother. And all this with the home. He wants us to have a fresh healthy start. This is the American dream. a new home, a new life, and new hope for the future.
As more comes in, I will keep you updated.
Man I hope this goes through. This could mean that the termination of parental rights with my ex wife and the move to my new home will all be around the same time. The courts will bring us all in (other then my daughter) to take care of it all at once. First they will terminate the parental rights, then they will state that Amanda is now adopting my daughter and it will all be finalized and done with. We will be moving to our OWN home, and starting a NEW life. My daughter will even be given and entire floor (two rooms) to herself. Her bedroom and a play room. Everything seems to be just falling into place. This almost has the feel that this all was meant to happen.
I mean look at the facts. Three months ago, a man comes in, and put his bid and earnest money on a house, the renegs and this holds the house for us. All there paperwork is falling in together, I was missing my wife's 401k info, and when I tried to get it online I couldn't. Only to come home that same day and the quarterly report was in my mail. The loan officer asks for my past 5 check stubs (which we destroy weekly) and it turns out that we can get wage and earning forms from our places of work to accomplish the same thing. The couple that owned the house was not going to change the price from $79,900, yet when they found out it was my family, they dropped it $1000 anyways. I was worried about affording the house during the slump of the winter (am a staffing manager, and my bonus is determined on how many people we have working) and we get a job order in for 100 people. We needed about $150 dollars to finish the payment for the inspector and what have you, and we had a garage sale that pulled in $159 this past weekend.
I firmly believe the good Lord is looking out for us. There is just no other explanation. My wife and I cannot have children (her tubes have collapsed, and it would cost $15,000 to fix it and there is not even a 80% chance that it would work either.) so instead, I have a daughter and my ex-wife signs off on her rights, making my wife her official mother. And all this with the home. He wants us to have a fresh healthy start. This is the American dream. a new home, a new life, and new hope for the future.
As more comes in, I will keep you updated.